now i'm just crazy

It appears I have (almost) fallen off the edge of the Earth. I have been a busy bunny, visiting Sheffield and Manchester to see The Cribs and The Heartbreaks; both excellent. If you haven't heard The Heartbreaks yet, do it. And if that isn't enough to entice you, read this live review I did of their performance when I saw them back in March. I have been feeling very uninspired lately, which is slightly annoying as I am entering my final year of education, like, ever... scary. 

Above is just a compilation of some of my instagram pictures. In order; Lula magazine, Vintage leather jacket find, Frodo, a good biography by Andy Summers of The Police, Bee Collar Tips (Asos) and a cat who doesn't belong to us but comes round every night, we are still yet to think of a name for him...or at least, we assume he is a he. Georgiaellentay is my username if you wish to follow me.

currently listening to; Haim, Pulled Apart By Horses, Kappa Gamma.


  1. That jacket is just epic, so pretty! X

  2. Just thought I'd let you know I gave you an award here:

    Pip x

  3. That jacket is amazing, what a find! xxx
